Meet the rats!

Sun, Mar 5, 2023

A little background on my lovely ladies!

The sisters and their brothers were taken in by Råtthjälpen in late January, it was the first rescue call of 2023 for them.
They were all found together and so there was a fear that any/all of the sisters would be pregnant.
But after 4 weeks none turned out to be pregnant so they were put up for adoption, and rather swiftly adopted by me.

With that said here they are!

Picture of Salvia
This is Salvia!
While all of them are very energetic, Salvia is definitely the last one to still be zooming around while the rest is knocked out.

Picture of Rönn
Meet Rönn!
She is the only sister that seems to have gotten red eyes. She appears to be an early bird. While all her sisters are still in the cuddle pile she is already out and about checking what her human is up to.

Picture of Persilja
Persilja is recognizable by the fact that she has a notch in her ear. She has been very caring and cuddly but is also a very curious rat. Always looking for the edge or the cage or couch.

Picture of Nejlika
Lastly Nejlika!
Nejlika is a very nibbly rat, not really biting just always nibbling. Her head is also constantly at a tilt but this doesn’t stop her from doing anything. If you feel a rat nibbling on your nose or ear it’s likely Nejlika. She is also the first to be tired and worn out from playing.